music - traducción al francés
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music - traducción al francés

MuSic; Musical Interpretation; Auditory art; Meaning (music)
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  • ''The Woman in Red'' by [[Giovanni Boldini]]
  • The [[primary auditory cortex]] is one of the main areas associated with superior pitch resolution.
  • 19th-century composer and pianist [[Clara Schumann]]
  • The [[Divje Babe flute]], the oldest known musical instrument. It is made from the [[femur]] bone of a [[cave bear]].
  • Ethnomusicologist [[Frances Densmore]] recording [[Blackfoot]] chief [[Mountain Chief]] for the [[Bureau of American Ethnology]] (1916)
  • notes]]) on a guitar
  • Song Dynasty (960–1279) painting, ''Night Revels of Han Xizai'', showing Chinese musicians entertaining guests at a party in a 10th-century household
  • [[Musical notation]] from a Catholic [[Missal]], c. 1310–1320
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  • [[Khatia Buniatishvili]] playing a [[grand piano]]
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  • experimental musical instruments]]
  • The piano was the centrepiece of social activity for middle-class urbanites in the 19th century ([[Moritz von Schwind]], 1868). The man at the piano is composer [[Franz Schubert]].
  • [[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]] was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period.
  • In [[Greek mythology]], the nine [[Muse]]s were the inspiration for many creative endeavors, including [[the arts]], and eventually became closely aligned with music specifically.
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  • [[Luciano Pavarotti]]
  • Music production in the 2000s using a [[digital audio workstation]] (DAW) with an electronic keyboard and a [[multi-monitor]] set-up
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  • Indian women dressed in regional attire playing a variety of musical instruments popular in different parts of India
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  • ''Voyager'' probes]] to space, which feature music from around the world
  • [[Manhattan School of Music]] professor and professional double bass player [[Timothy Cobb]] teaching a bass lesson in the late 2000s. His bass has a low C extension with a metal "machine" with buttons for playing the pitches on the extension.
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  • A music therapist from a "Blues in the Schools" program plays harmonica with a US Navy sailor at a Naval Therapy Center.

n. (Music) rock, rock music
n. variety theatre
music, musical


Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
Music is the pattern of sounds produced by people singing or playing instruments.
...classical music.
...the music of George Gershwin.
Music is the art of creating or performing music.
He went on to study music, specialising in the clarinet.
...a music lesson.
Music is the symbols written on paper which represent musical sounds.
He's never been able to read music.
see also sheet music
If something that you hear is music to your ears, it makes you feel very happy.
Popular support-it's music to the ears of any politician.
PHRASE: v-link PHR [feelings]
If you face the music, you put yourself in a position where you will be criticized or punished for something you have done.
Sooner or later, I'm going to have to face the music.
PHRASE: V inflects



Music is generally defined as the art of arranging sound to create some combination of form, harmony, melody, rhythm or otherwise expressive content. Definitions of music vary depending on culture, though it is an aspect of all human societies, a cultural universal. While scholars agree that music is defined by a few specific elements, there is no consensus on their precise definitions. The creation of music is commonly divided into musical composition, musical improvisation, and musical performance, though the topic itself extends into academic disciplines, criticism, philosophy, and psychology. Music may be performed or improvised using a vast range of instruments, including the human voice.

In some musical contexts, a performance or composition may be to some extent improvised. For instance, in Hindustani classical music, the performer plays spontaneously while following a partially defined structure and using characteristic motifs. In modal jazz the performers may take turns leading and responding, while sharing a changing set of notes. In a free jazz context, there may be no structure whatsoever, with each performer acting at their discretion. Music may be deliberately composed to be unperformable, or agglomerated electronically from many performances. Music is played in public and private areas, highlighted at events such as festivals, rock concerts, and orchestra performance, and heard incidentally as part of a score or soundtrack to a film, TV show, opera, or video game. Musical playback is the primary function of an MP3 player or CD player and a universal feature of radios and smartphones.

Music often plays a key role in social activities, religious rituals, rite of passage ceremonies, celebrations, and cultural activities. The music industry includes songwriters, performers, sound engineers, producers, tour organizers, distributors of instruments, accessories, and sheet music. Compositions, performances, and recordings are assessed and evaluated by music critics, music journalists, and music scholars, as well as amateurs.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para music
1. Music, music, music, music.
A New Generation of Cuban Music _ Cimafunk _ Talks at Google
2. music, music, or music in south
Going Breathless _ Shankar Mahadevan _ Talks at Google
3. It's just been music, music, music.
How Star Wars Conquered the Universe _ Chris Taylor _ Talks at Google
4. is folk music, European music, any music.
Exclusive Concert with Maestro Amjad Ali Khan + Sons _ Talks at Google
5. music from your music.
Wine & Live Performance _ Brett Dennen _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de music
1. Juste avant de se vendre ŕ Google, YouTube a signé un accord avec Universal Music (filiale de Vivendi), Sony BMG Music Entertainment et CBS, quelques semaines apr';s s‘ętre mis d‘accord avec Warner Music.
2. Il s‘agit du dernier album publié par Universal Music (groupe Vivendi Universal EAUG.PA>), le chanteur ayant dénoncé son contrat et ayant resigné récemment avec Warner Music.
3. Lépoque du rock, du twist, des yéyés, la pop music...
4. Ce n‘est pas le genre d‘Adel Music. «Je conduis vite.
5. Des connivences aussi: Zoran Music, Marc–Antoine Fehr, George Segal.